Apparently there's a bunch of well-paid (significantly, paid over $250,000) reporters who still feel that the President is wrong to consider raising taxes on the richest 2% of the community (to which, surprisingly, many of them currently belong).
Those reporters should be ashamed to be asking such blatantly self-serving questions of a President whose mandate clearly includes reducing taxes for the poorest 95% of the population. Anyone familiar with the statistics (and if you aren't, then you must read David Cay Johnston's Free Lunch) knows that the Reagnomics/Thatcherite "trickle-down" theory has been thoroughly discredited by a half-century during which the rich obstinately continue to get richer.
My own household isn't yet at the level where my taxes will go up. Should I become that fortunate, however, I will consider myself doubly lucky: I will be earning more for myself, but more importantly I shall be contributing more to the recovery of the country's economy, and helping to make sure that the lower-paid see more of their income in their pockets.
The rich have soaked this country (and other developed countries) for long enough. Time for them to demonstrate some patriotism. Government hand-outs are one thing--at least they benefit people who need help. Bail-outs are another thing altogether. They benefit the greedy, the avaricious and the selfish.
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