I just don't get it. Here we are, with a Democrat president, a Democrat Senate and a Democrat Congress, proof against filibusters, and yet there seems to be a problem passing legislation.
The Republican opposition has proved beyond all shadow of a doubt that its only interest is in obstructing such necessary reform as universal health care. Or have I missed some Republican proposal that explains how they would bring Americans without healthcare insurance (all 80 million of them) under some protective umbrella? It's quite clear that the Republican party doesn't give a fuck about uninsured Americans. So fuck them.
I say to the Democrats, get on with it. Put aside your petty in-fighting and your reservations. Stop acting as though bi-partisan support was necessary for healthcare reform. Screw the Republicans, who if this were the 1930s would no doubt be complaining about "socialized transportation" because of the construction of the interstate highways.
Let America put its money where its mouth is. Start letting banks fail, and make sure that the 21st century becomes the time when Americans could look forward to at least adequate healthcare independent of their ability to pay. The money we've thrown at the banks (which, remember, was instigated by the Bush administration, albeit with support from the gonadless Democrats) would have paid for the whole fucking country's healthcare for the next twenty years.
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