OK, the problem isn't Barack Obama, who appears to be doing his best to keep his campaign promises (modulo certain conflicts that I have already written about in earlier posts). The problem is the chickenshit Democratic Congress, who with a filibuster-proof presence continue to act as though the people of America will rise up in revolution if they pass any legislation that the Republicans don't agree with.
I have said before that the Republican opposition are simply opposing everything, because they don't have a fucking clue about what the people of this country want, how they live, or the frustration they feel at having been governed for eight years by a bunch of yahoos who only understand and care about the needs of the privileged.
However there is now someone who is saying the same thing much more effectively than I can (warning: his language is often calculated to offend). The Rude Pundit is pointing out that the consequences for this country are too awful to contemplate. It really is time that Congress found its balls, or gave up any pretense of having any. Are the Blue Dogs just Red Dogs in disguise? I am beginning to wonder.
If the Democrats can't support their own president, elected by a majority of the people, it makes you wonder just whose interests they think they are there to serve, doesn't it?
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