Well, here's a hard look at the American health care system that makes it pretty clear that some change is required. Paying more to die sooner doesn't sound to me like what people really want. Unfortunately many people in America don't realize what a crappy system they have got. This article tells it like it is.

The "healthcare industry" is interested in maximizing profits, not in taking care of the people who pay its premiums. Inserting the profit motive between the doctors and the patients that they care for seems to me like a recipe for stupidities like a declaration that a bleeding breast is not an emergency - a declaration that was reversed after media publicity.

Who needs death panels? The insurance companies already have them.

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Yorkshire Stuff
Yorkshire Stuff
A director of the Python Software Foundation for eight years and its chairman for three, Steve wrote Python Web Programming and several popular Python classes. He plans to spend a lot more time in the UK from now on.
Past answers to random questions: Unlike a dog, how can a turtle ever be naked? It might have executed a shell escape ...
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