Opposition is Less Power, Not No Power
Opposition is Less Power, Not No Power
A Marketing Campaign I Support
A Marketing Campaign I Support
The Mansion House Speech Deconstructed
The Mansion House Speech Deconstructed
Should Labour Move Forward Without the Unions?
Should Labour Move Forward Without the Unions?
A Little Humanity from the Rich?
A Little Humanity from the Rich?
Call Me Cynical
Call Me Cynical
Just Suppose ... Exercise Your Imagination
Just Suppose ... Exercise Your Imagination
Portland, My New Home
Occupy Your Mind
Occupy Your Mind
What Perverse Logic Is This?
What Perverse Logic Is This?
Open Letter to BMI's Web Team
Open Letter to BMI's Web Team
BMI Are Definitely Not Interested in Customer Service
BMI: Still Sending Emails
BMI: And as slow as a rock, too.
BMI: And as slow as a rock, too.
Dear BMI, You Are Dumb Shits, and Do Not Comply With CAN-SPAM
Dear BMI, You Are Dumb Shits, and Do Not Comply With CAN-SPAM
Naked Self-Interest
Naked Self-Interest
Enough? Just How Much is That, Exactly?
Enough? Just How Much is That, Exactly?
Nuclear Power is Safe, It's the Humans You Can't Trust
Nuclear Power is Safe, It's the Humans You Can't Trust
Danger, Will Robinson
Danger, Will Robinson
Why Protect Freedom and Democracy?
Why Protect Freedom and Democracy?
Clinton Should Put Her Thinking Cap On
Clinton Should Put Her Thinking Cap On
Don't Think It Couldn't Happen Here
Don't Think It Couldn't Happen Here
Use Your Fucking Brains
Use Your Fucking Brains
Republicans Against the Minimum Wage (What is it, by the Way?)
Republicans Against the Minimum Wage (What is it, by the Way?)
I Don't Give a Fcuk About My Dyslexia
I Don't Give a Fcuk About My Dyslexia
Presenting a Pony to a Congressman
Presenting a Pony to a Congressman
Good On Yer, Prince William
Good On Yer, Prince William
Joe Lieberman Can Eat Shit and Die
Joe Lieberman Can Eat Shit and Die
A Wunch of Bankers?
A Wunch of Bankers?
Your Trash is Killing Things
Your Trash is Killing Things
Polanski Case Highlights Us-Them Divide
Polanski Case Highlights Us-Them Divide
Pay More, Die Younger
Pay More, Die Younger
Fox Hypocrisy
Fox Hypocrisy
Drug War Stupidities
Drug War Stupidities
Feel Your Boobies Week Oct 6-9
Feel Your Boobies Week Oct 6-9
Death Panels Exist
Death Panels Exist
Digital Computer Invented by Yorkshireman
Digital Computer Invented by Yorkshireman
Troy Davis Supreme Court Victory
Troy Davis Supreme Court Victory
Bolshevik Blood
Bolshevik Blood
Rude Pundit Calls It Like It Is
Rude Pundit Calls It Like It Is
Democrats Have No Balls?
Democrats Have No Balls?
Denver Lawyer Disciplined for Winning Case
Denver Lawyer Disciplined for Winning Case
Sense on Slavery
Sense on Slavery
HOT Lanes, Shmot Lanes
HOT Lanes, Shmot Lanes
Just Another President? How Sad
Just Another President? How Sad
Elephant Abuse: Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture
Elephant Abuse: Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture
Free Cartoons for Your Blog
Free Cartoons for Your Blog
China: Stop the Executions!
China: Stop the Executions!
No Bonuses? Take the Money Back!
No Bonuses? Take the Money Back!
Up Against the Wall, Bankers
Up Against the Wall, Bankers
The Hell With "Too Big to Fail"
The Hell With "Too Big to Fail"
If Nominated, I Should Be Delighted to Serve ...
If Nominated, I Should Be Delighted to Serve ...
Reporters Demonstrate Selfishness of the Rich
Reporters Demonstrate Selfishness of the Rich
The Lunatics Are Running the Asylum
The Lunatics Are Running the Asylum
One Reason Wall Street Failed
One Reason Wall Street Failed
Opening Up Government Audit
Opening Up Government Audit
A Nation of Stoners?
A Nation of Stoners?
Loans to People in Need
Loans to People in Need
I Beg Your Pardon?
I Beg Your Pardon?
Sarah Palin is a Millstone Round John McCain's Neck
Sarah Palin is a Millstone Round John McCain's Neck
The Other Side of the Bike Shed
The Other Side of the Bike Shed
A $700 Billion Handout to the Rich?
A $700 Billion Handout to the Rich?
Government Agency Encouraged Financial Failures
Government Agency Encouraged Financial Failures
Obama Fights Back
Obama Fights Back
McCain's Campaign Flails
McCain's Campaign Flails
Justice Department Used Illegal Hiring Practices
Justice Department Used Illegal Hiring Practices
Cowardly Congress Continues to Toady to Bush
Cowardly Congress Continues to Toady to Bush
My New Girl
My New Girl
Losers' Spoils? I Think Not
Losers' Spoils? I Think Not
The Brainwashing of America
Human Rights 0; United Nations 1
Human Rights 0; United Nations 1
The Depressing Thing About The Right
The Depressing Thing About The Right
Song of Our Times
No Matter Who You Vote For ...*
No Matter Who You Vote For ...*
Response to a Bigoted Angry Woman
Response to a Bigoted Angry Woman
Hey, I'm a Digital Coach
Hey, I'm a Digital Coach
Congress: Silence and Denial
Congress: Silence and Denial
Impeach Cheney
Impeach Cheney
Enjoy Your Turkey?
Enjoy Your Turkey?
Baildon Moors from Moorhead
Paisley and Dapple
A Hero's Passing
A Hero's Passing
A Good Day's Work
Shocking Picture
Shocking Picture
zestyping Sticks It to the White House
zestyping Sticks It to the White House
Bush Buddies
Bush Buddies
Pepsi Selling Bottled Tap Water
Pepsi Selling Bottled Tap Water
Same Law For Rich or Poor
Same Law For Rich or Poor
Email Blogging
Email Blogging
Random Images of the Recent Past
Random Images of the Recent Past
Free, As in Beer
Free, As in Beer
A Cut Too Far
A Cut Too Far
Yorkshire Stuff
Yorkshire Stuff
A director of the Python Software Foundation for eight years and its chairman for three, Steve wrote Python Web Programming and several popular Python classes. He plans to spend a lot more time in the UK from now on.
Past answers to random questions: Unlike a dog, how can a turtle ever be naked? It might have executed a shell escape ...
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